Administrative Gatherings of the Chief of the National Guard


As part of the regular contacts of the Chief of the National Guard Lieutenant General Georgios Tsitsikostas with the personnel of the Formations, Commands and Units, Administrative Gatherings were planned with the Permanent and Contract NCOs.

In particular, on January 05, 2024, the first meeting was held for the staff of the Nisos-Kornos Guard and on March 27, 2024, the second in the Nicosia Guard.

The purpose of the gatherings is the contact of the Chief with all the NCOs and the issuance of specific directions and instructions, as well as the information on issues that concern them, with particular emphasis on the following:

  • Intention to generally upgrade the institution of NCOs and mainly strengthen their role as a tool for cooperation and improvement of understanding between the personnel and the Command of each military department.

  • Requirement for absolute implementation by all staff of the actions prescribed for each issue, strict adherence to orders, control and evaluation procedures of any type of activity, with the aim of strengthening standardization, preventing risks and improving working conditions.

  • Flexibility to assimilate changes according to the tasks assigned to the staff, so that there is a rapid adaptation to the developments that are rapidly taking shape in the modern business environment.

  • Strengthening professional training by taking advantage of the opportunities provided to attend trainings, which through the International Cooperation Programs have multiplied, so that they can constantly evolve and be able to respond as best as possible to their tasks and Mission.

  • Solving problems and improving everything related to the employment conditions of Non-Commissioned Officers as well as for other categories of National Guard personnel in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense and other government agencies.

THE Head of the National Guard, Lieutenant General George Tsitsikostas, also referred to the determination of 2024 as “Year of the Noncommissioned Officer” in recognition of honor and respect for National Guard NCOs. Following this, a number of actions have been planned in honor of the Non-Commissioned Officers who have proven to play a major role in the smooth functioning of the National Guard as the key leaders of small ranks.

The gatherings will continue and will cover all NCOs, in all provinces.

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