What is the synonym equipment?

(noun) in the sense of tools. Synonyms. tools. accouterments. apparatus.

What is the meaning of military equipment?

(2) The term “military equipment” includes all weapon systems, weapon platforms, vehicles, and munitions of the Department of Defense, and the components of such items.

What is a fancy word for weapon

  • accoutrements.
  • armaments.
  • artillery.
  • equipment.
  • firearms.
  • munitions.
  • ordnance.

What is Army supply called?

Materiel (/məˌtɪəriˈɛl/; from French matériel ‘equipment, hardware’) refers to supplies, equipment, and weapons in military supply-chain management, and typically supplies and equipment in a commercial supply chain context.

Is there a word called equipments

The noun equipment does not have a plural form. It is used in the singular only, with a singular verb, and there is no word “equipments.” Nouns like this are called “noncount nouns” (or “mass nouns”) and there are over 100 common nouns in this category.

Is it correct to say the equipment

Warning: Because equipment is uncountable, we cannot say ‘an equipment’ or ‘equipments’. To refer to a single item of equipment, we say a piece of equipment: On board is a piece of equipment – a radiometer called the ATSR – which can measure the temperature of the seas.

What is meant by tactical equipment

Tactical gear is clothing and equipment designed with a specific purpose in mind. There is tactical gear for police, military, security, and civilians. Tactical gear must be durable, comfortable, and versatile. It must enable stealth, accommodate weapons, and allow for a wide range of movement.

What technical equipment means?

Technical Equipment means computers, audio-visual and other electronic equipment made available for use by Members in the Lounge; Sample 1Sample 2.

What is the meaning of military weapons

weapon, an instrument used in combat for the purpose of killing, injuring, or defeating an enemy. A weapon may be a shock weapon, held in the hands, such as the club, mace, or sword.

What is a weapon in slang

(Scotland, Britain, slang, derogatory) An idiot, an oaf, a fool, a tool; a contemptible or incompetent person.

What armament means?

also ˈärm-mənt. : a military or naval force. : the aggregate of a nation’s military strength. : weapons, arms.

What is weaponized word

Meaning of weaponized in English

to make it possible to use something to attack a person or group: They claimed that the security agency had weaponized the internet. He hoped to weaponize the issue of healthcare as part of his election campaign. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What is military inventory called

An armory is an important part of a military’s assets, since it stores arms and equipment and is also sometimes the place where soldiers are trained to use them. Another way to use the noun armory is to refer to a stockpile or stash of non-military goods.

What are military stacks

What does “Stack Up” mean? A stack is a slang term for a formation used in military or law enforcement, when an assault team forms up single file along the entrance or doorway to a room where they believe a threat is located.

Why is it called materiel

It means the substance out of which something can be fashioned; the elements, constituents, or substances of which something is composed or can be made. “Materiel is the French word matériel. It means equipment, apparatus, supplies used by an institution or an organization, such as the military.”

What is the example of equipment

Computers, trucks and manufacturing machinery are all examples of equipment. They are tangible because they have a physical form—unlike intangible assets (such as patents, trademarks or copyrights) that do not.

What are two synonyms for equipped?

  • armed.
  • clothed.
  • dressed.
  • furnished.
  • rigged.
  • supplied.
  • accoutered.
  • appareled.

What is another word for synonym

There is another possibility, though: poecilonym. This is probably the closest synonym of synonym, although it’s antiquated and rarely used. David Grambs, a lexicographer for American Heritage and Random House, included it in his 1997 book The Endangered English Dictionary: Bodacious Words Your Dictionary Forgot.

What is the tools and equipment

A tool can be any item that is used to achieve a goal. Equipment usually denotes a set of tools that are used to achieve a specific objective. • A tool can be non-mechanical as well. However, when one says equipment, there is a certain mechanical aspect to it that cannot be ignored.

What is the root word for equipment

equipment (n.)

1717, “things equipped;” 1748, “action of equipping;” from equip + -ment, or from French équipement.

What noun is equipment

Equipment is a noncount noun, or a noun that cannot be counted and does not have a plural form.

What is the verb of equipment

Right away you probably notice that a big chunk of the word equipment is made up of another word, the common verb equip — meaning “to provide someone with the tools they need for a specific task.” Add equip to -ment (the suffix of choice when you want to turn a verb into a noun) and voilà!

What is a good sentence for equipment

Use “equipment” in a sentence

The new equipment enabled us to finish the work in an hour. We didn’t have the right equipment to do the job. Buying new equipment isn’t going to solve your problems. I need to buy some household equipments.

What is military tactical gear?

Tactical gear differs from regular clothing and accessories because it serves a specific purpose. It can generally be thought of as the gear that law enforcement, military and fire and rescue personnel use to do their jobs. This can include pants, gloves, vests, accessories, and firearms to name just a few items.

What are tactical objects

Tactile object perception may therefore be defined as the perception of objects whose feature information is acquired via touch. Consequently, research relevant to the topic of tactile objects has focused on exploring the primitives of the tactile system, their interrelation, and how they may be bound together.

What does tactical mean in military?

adjective. of or relating to tactics, especially military or naval tactics. characterized by skillful tactics or adroit maneuvering or procedure: tactical movements. of or relating to a maneuver or plan of action designed as an expedient toward gaining a desired end or temporary advantage.

What are the 3 types of equipment?

  • Hand Operated.
  • Semi-automatic.
  • Fully automatic.

What is the acronym for equipment?

There are 4 abbreviations for ‘equipment’. EQ: used by the U.S. government agencies and the military. EQUIP: used by NASA and common people. EQPT: used in computing for hardware. EQP: used by common people.

What are 5 examples of equipment?

  • personal computers.
  • telefax equipment.
  • typewriters.
  • cameras of all kinds (film and electronic cameras)
  • sound or image transmitting, recording or reproducing apparatus (tape and video recorders and video reproducers, microphones, mixing consoles, loudspeakers)

What means Topgun

1. : a person who is the best at a particular activity. He’s the team’s top gun.

What is the idiom of gun?

If you’re sticking to your guns you’re refusing to compromise or change your mind; the idiom, from 1841, originally had a literal meaning: to not flinch under fire. If you’re gun shy, on the other hand, you’re nervous and averse to conflict. (This idiom, dating from 1884, originally applied to hunting dogs.)

What is big guns slang for

informal. : the most powerful people, companies, organizations, etc. They called in the big guns to deal with the problem.

What is a weapon stash called

Often the phrase “weapons cache” is used of a bunch of hidden guns or weapons that have been hidden or stored away, which is logical, given that the French verb cacher means “to hide.” Sometimes things aren’t really hidden but are stored away out of sight for use later.

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