A day in the life of an E-3 Army Infantryman. What’s your MOS and day in the life?

U.S. Army Infantryman.

Day in my life is wake up at 0400, shower, brush teeth, style hair, etc. Get dressed for PT (workout basically) then clean my room up to make it look good for daily inspections.

0430-0500 find something to eat or make something to eat and scroll through my messages for a while, maybe listen to some music and smoke.

0500-0600 is basically defrosting my car and finishing mental checklists of stuff I’ll need for the day and running back and forth to my car and my room to grab whatever I forgot.

0600-0630 is driving to work for morning formation then PT.

0830-0900 drive back to barracks get changed into my OCP’s and take a shower as well.

0900-1130 work on some pretty bullshit task my leadership thought up to keep us busy for the day and count down the seconds til chow time. Usually these tasks are military vehicle maintenance, classes on Infantry tactics/ weapons, or cleaning.

1130-1300 chowwwww

1300-1700 more of the same bullshit as before but more cleaning.

1700-2000 drive home, eat, get shit faced drunk, trash my room, laundry, games, and calling home because I never get to see my family.

2000-2200 anime and cleaning.

2200-0400 go to sleep and get ready to do it all again in the morning.

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