What should I not tell my recruiter?

Never tell your recruiter about longer-term plans that might make you a shorter-term employee than the recruiter’s client organization might wish. If your plan is to work for two more years and then quit and go to grad school or move cross-country, button your lip.

What are some things to be aware of when talking to a military recruiter

  • Have no fear. Remember you are under no obligation when speaking to a recruiter.
  • Go with someone.
  • Know the ASVAB.
  • Be stationed where you want.
  • Get paid more.
  • Choose your start date.
  • Choose your commitment.
  • Correct the contract before signing.

What to do before talking to a military recruiter

  • Dress to Impress.
  • Be on Time.
  • General Questions.
  • Basic Training Questions.
  • Step 1: Meet with a recruiter.
  • Step 2: Pick your branch and gather paperwork.
  • Step 3: Take the ASVAB.
  • Step 4: Take a medical exam.

Is the military desperate for recruits

The Army is facing the most acute recruiting problems. The service will will finish fiscal 2022 with about 466,000 active-duty soldiers—10,000 people below target, according to Lt. Gen.

How honest can I be with a recruiter

You should be as honest as you can be about information that could impact your schedule or ability to work, so your recruiter is able to be upfront with the employer about your schedule/start date, and more.

Can you tell a recruiter you are nervous?

It’s okay to share with the interviewer that you are nervous. You might think it’s one of the weaknesses that interviewers try to avoid when hiring, but it’s a lot more normal for a person to be nervous at interviews than you might think. Saying it out loud can actually help.

How do you impress a recruiter

  • Getting results even before getting hired.
  • Outsmarting the experts.
  • Making a personal connection.
  • Spelling out the specifics.
  • Responding right away.
  • Personalizing thank-you notes.

What do military recruiters look for

The recruiter will ask you a bunch of questions to see if you qualify for military service. These will be questions about age, citizenship or immigration status, education level, criminal history, drug abuse history, and medical conditions.

How do you impress a recruiter on the phone?

  • Your voice is all you have… use it to your advantage.
  • Know the basics about the company and interviewer(s)
  • Speak articulately about your skill set and work experience.
  • Ask intelligent questions.
  • A follow up “Thank You” note is a must.

Do and don’ts for recruiters?

  • Do clearly convey your career goals.
  • Don’t be indecisive.
  • Do allow the recruiter to call the shots.
  • Do remain cordial and professional even if you do not get the job.
  • Don’t be a sore loser.

What do you swear to when joining the military

“I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the

Is it normal to be nervous before joining the military

Anxiety about leaving home and joining the Army is completely normal. This is manifesting itself with you. Try to weigh yourself weekly, instead of daily. Expecting change causes us to have a stress response.

What is the #1 reason people join the military

To serve your country

One of the most common reasons people join the military is because they feel drawn to serving their country. This sense of duty, or a “calling to service,” can arise from patriotic family values or the desire to do something meaningful.

Why do recruits fail basic training

The most common reason why people fail basic training is that medical issues prevent them from doing so safely. If this situation arises, you’ll be medically separated from the Air Force but depending on how long you serve, you may still be entitled to some veteran benefits.

Does the Army accept everyone

You must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien. You must be at least 17 years old (17-year-old applicants require parental consent). You must (with very few exceptions) have a high school diploma. You must pass a physical medical exam.

What does a recruiter want to hear?

Recruiters want to hear about “passion” and “enthusiasm,” but they also want to see you’re taking a serious approach. For example, they want to know that you research companies before you go into interviews.

Is what you tell a recruiter confidential

Tell recruiters your search is confidential.

Ask recruiters to inform you before they submit you to a company as a candidate. The recruiter may not have important information, such as your boss being friends with that company’s CEO.

What should I share with a recruiter

  • Your key responsibilities. Write down the key responsibilities of your ideal role, based upon what you enjoy about your current role as well as in previous jobs.
  • Your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Company size and scale.
  • Industry.
  • Company culture.
  • Practicalities.

What should you not do during recruitment

  • Not creating an accurate job description.
  • Failing to consider recruiting from within.
  • Relying too much on the interview.
  • Using unconscious bias.
  • Hiring people less qualified than you.
  • Rejecting an overqualified candidate.
  • Waiting for the perfect candidate.

How do you tell a recruiter that keeps you in mind

I would like to reiterate my strong interest in working for Most Desirable Organization. Please keep me in mind if another position becomes available in the near future. Again, many thanks for the opportunity to interview, and best wishes to you and your staff.

What are red flags for recruiters

Rudeness, sloppiness, or tardiness

Likewise, how the candidate presents themselves is a huge tell for how much they value this opportunity, and how seriously they might take the job. Being rude or dismissive to the interviewer or other staff members is clearly a red flag.

How do you identify red flags in an interview?

  • Constant rescheduling and disorganization.
  • Disrespecting others.
  • Values conflict.
  • Lack of clarity or consistency in answers to your questions.
  • Bait and switch.
  • Inappropriate questions or comments.
  • Lack of connection.
  • Resistance to change (even if they say they want change)

How do you politely chase a recruiter

You should send a follow-up email to the recruiter within 24 hours of your interview. Thank them for their time, briefly mention something from your chat, reiterate your relevant skills and qualifications, emphasize your excitement for the role, and sign off graciously.

What do recruiters look at first

At quick glance, a recruiter will first notice your job history, in particular, the companies you’ve worked for to see if it’s a huge corporation like Amazon or Apple.

How do you get a recruiter to like you?

  • Be Prepared. You and the recruiter need to be on the same page in terms of your skills and past experiences (relevant and less relevant), any gaps in your employment history, and your short and long-term career ambitions.
  • Be Honest.
  • Be Passionate.
  • Be Gracious.

What makes a recruiter happy

A good recruiter remembers small, positive details from their interactions with their rejected applicants and uses them to add a personal touch to their messages. They highlight candidates’ strengths and may even suggest other jobs they would be suitable for. And they stay in touch for future openings.

What do military recruiters do all day

Military recruiters spend a large majority of their day establishing and maintaining contacts in their community. They share information about military training and job opportunities with school representatives, public officials and even personnel managers.

How hard is it to fail basic training

Yes, it is possible to fail basic training. You could go through the trouble of leaving your home, job, family and friends and come back a failure. In fact, this happens to about 15% of recruits who join the military every year. Too many recruits I speak to think that it is impossible to fail basic training.

How do I pass the military interview

  • No. 1: Make a Great First Impression.
  • No. 2: Answer the Interviewer’s Question.
  • No. 3: Be Prepared.
  • No. 4: Be Professional.
  • No. 5: Be Yourself and Be Confident.
  • No. 6: Ask Good Questions.
  • No. 7: Show Them How You Will Add Value.
  • Want to Know More About the Military?

What do recruiters want to hear

Recruiters want to hear about “passion” and “enthusiasm,” but they also want to see you’re taking a serious approach. For example, they want to know that you research companies before you go into interviews.

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