What is really happening in Ukraine – How Great Britain is changing the facts

Chorianopoulos Angelos

What is currently happening in Ukraine is that the Ukrainian Army is advancing without facing any resistance. The Russian Army had been left out of Military support in the region due to Deep Operations by paramilitary forces under Gen. Mark Carleton-Smith.

How do we know this?

For three weeks now the logistic hubs of the Russians have been blown up one after the other in the areas supporting Kharkiv and Izyum. The HIMARS hit very specific Russian supply lines to the exclusion of advanced troops.

How were these businesses taught?

They were pioneered by the 22nd SAS Regiment and taught to members of the Ukrainian SOF even before the war and during it. Business is done without a flag and the cornerstone is INFORMATION (mainly satellite).

What do these businesses need?

Forces of 4-8-16 people with unique coverage by Drone and NOT by PA. Large amounts of ammunition and maneuverability in the field. Mobile jamming systems and high resistances in High Risk High Profit Businesses. The battle philosophy and the command belong to Great Britain and NOT to the USA. It falls squarely within the Global Britain doctrine.


The British are giving free lessons in how to conduct high strategy practice through flagless special forces WITHOUT the use of expensive platforms. These operations are of a CIVIL and secondary military nature. They turn the opposing administration’s back against the wall. The time frames for taking responsibility are getting shorter. They pose the retreat-escalate dilemma. In this case we will talk about escalation.

Hopefully this data will be mapped and analyzed by the government. After the 3 days of battle, the color of the beret that will be involved with Turkey is specific.

To be given the appropriate money, means and incentives.

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