What does a 10-50 mean?

10-50. Auto accident — no injury. 10-8. In service. 10-52.

Why are police called 50

It means “police.” It is a slang term derived from the title of a popular TV series which began in 1968 entitled “Hawaii Five-O.” The TV series was about a police force in Hawaii, the 50th US state, thus the “Five-O” of the title.

What is 10-50 in Police code?

10-50 under influence of narcotics/Take a report. 10-51 Subject is drunk. 10-52 Resuscitator is needed. 10-53 Person down.

Why does 10 4 mean ok

10-4 is an affirmative signal: it means “OK.” The ten-codes are credited to Illinois State Police Communications Director Charles Hopper who created them between 1937–40 for use in radio communications among cops. Ten-Four Day ~ for decades, Oct 4 has been a day to salute radio operators.

What’s a 10 13 mean?

10-13 Advise weather and road conditions. 10-14 Citizen holding suspect. 10-15 Prisoner in custody. 10-16 Pick up prisoner.

What does 10 20 mean

The phrase essentially means, “What is your location?” or “Identify your position,” but is a corrupted phrase from the original “10-20” used by law enforcement to verbally encode their radio transmissions so that non-police listeners would not easily discover police operations, as well as to communicate quicker and

What is a 10 27 police code

10-27 Driver’s license information required; a Member is requesting that the Motor Vehicle Branch be contacted for information on a licensed driver.

What does a 10-42 mean

This particular code is used to indicate an officer’s end of tour. While 10-42 is most frequently used when an officer has completed his tour of service for the day, it is also used in conjunction with funeral proceedings when an officer has been killed in the line of duty.

What does code 10 23 mean

10-23. Arrived at Scene. Arrived at Scene. Breaking-In (In Progress)

What does 12 mean in slang

12 is a slang term for police or any law enforcement officials of uncertain origin. Possible sources include the police radio code “10-12” and the 1968 TV show Adam-12, which followed two Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers and their patrol car, “1-Adam-12.”

What is 5.0 police slang

Five-O, an American slang term for law enforcement. Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series), an American television police drama airing from 19.

How does 12 mean police

Police are called 12 as a slang term. According to sources, 12 comes from the police radio code “10-12,” which means that visitors are present in the area where police are going. It’s similar to a warning to police that they might have company when they arrive on the scene.

What does a 10 20 mean?

The phrase essentially means, “What is your location?” or “Identify your position,” but is a corrupted phrase from the original “10-20” used by law enforcement to verbally encode their radio transmissions so that non-police listeners would not easily discover police operations, as well as to communicate quicker and

What does a 10 59 mean

Hit and Run (F-Fire, PI-Personal Injury, PD-Property Damage) 10-58. Direct Traffic. 10-59. Convoy or Escort.

What does a 10 70 mean?

10-66 Suspicious person. 10-67 Person calling for help. 10-68 Telephone for police. 10-70 Prowler. 10-71 Shooting.

What does a 10 51 mean

10-50. Traffic Accident (PD No Injury, PI Injury, LSA Left scene) 10-51. Tow Truck.

What is a 10 50 police code in Illinois

“What may be a 10-50 (traffic accident) to us may be something to another agency.

What is a 10 18 police code

10-16 Reply to Message. 10-17 En route. 10-18 Urgent.

What does 10 1 mean?

WHAT DOES 10-1 MEAN ON A FILM SET? On a film set, 10-1 is the walkie talkie code for the bathroom. While literally meaning you need to pee, using as this as a catch-all saves your film crew from t.m.i.

What is 10 12 police code

What does police code 10-12 mean? Police code 10-12 means Standby / Visitor(s) present.

What does 10 32 mean

The term 10-32 comes from Unified and American Screw Threads for Bolts, Nuts, and Machine Screws standards published by ANSI B1. 1-1974. The number “10” is simply a size designator. The number “32” refers to the 32 threads per inch.

What does 10 200 mean

10-200: Police needed at… (Somebody is breaking the law). 10-201+: I am not a trucker and am saying 10 followed by a random number.

What does 1010 mean for singles?

However, the 1010 angel number means positive beginnings are coming your way, whether you’re single or in a relationship.

What does 10 7 mean police

Police officer retirement

Often when an officer retires, a call to dispatch is made. The officer gives a 10-7 code (Out of service) and then a 10-42 code (ending tour of duty).

What does 10 100 mean

The term 10/100 Base refers to an Ethernet connection that supports both 10 Mbps (megabits per second) and 100 Mbps data transmission rates. Ethernet is the commonly employed networking standard for LAN communications.

What is the code 11?

Code 11 is a barcode symbology developed by Intermec in 1977. It is used primarily in telecommunications. The symbol can encode any length string consisting of the digits 0–9 and the dash character (-). A twelfth code represents the start/stop character, commonly printed as “*”.

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