What does 10-4 stand for?

10-4 is an affirmative signal: it means “OK.” The ten-codes are credited to Illinois State Police Communications Director Charles Hopper who created them between 1937–40 for use in radio communications among cops. Chase’s Calendar.

What does 10 1 mean

WHAT DOES 10-1 MEAN ON A FILM SET? On a film set, 10-1 is the walkie talkie code for the bathroom. While literally meaning you need to pee, using as this as a catch-all saves your film crew from t.m.i.

What does a 10-8 mean

Auto accident — no injury. 10-8.

What’s 10 40 mean

10-40. Silent Run – No Light, Siren. Fight in Progress.

What does a 10 12 mean

10-11 Employee Number. 10-12 Stand By. 10-13 Weather Conditions. 10-14 Message / Information. 10-15 Message Delivered.

Why does 10 4 mean ok?

Ten-codes, especially “10-4” (meaning “understood”) first reached public recognition in the mid- to late-1950s through the popular television series Highway Patrol, with Broderick Crawford. Crawford would reach into his patrol car to use the microphone to answer a call and precede his response with “10-4”.

Does the military say 10-4?

The term “10-4,” along with its meaning, is part of the “ten code” terms used in law enforcement, the military, and truck driver communications. “10-4” is used to confirm that certain information has been received and will be taken into account.

What do you say if someone says 10-4

If all the other person says is, “10-4,” you don’t need to say anything. You can say, “10-4, over” if you’d like to let them know you’re done speaking if you’d like.

What’s a Code 4 in police terms

Code 4 Meaning. “Code 4” means everything is under control or the scene is safe. It indicates the officers are now in charge of the situation they were called to.

What does 10 10 mean in the military

The 10/10 rule allows former spouses of military members to receive a portion of the ex’s military retirement pay. This is paid directly from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and is court-ordered in military divorce cases.

What is 10 15 in police code?

10-15 Prisoner in custody. 10-16 Pick up prisoner.

What does 10 30 mean in police code

10-30. Unnecessary Use of Radio. Danger / Caution. (a) Vehicle Accident.

What does 1010 mean to God

‘”Additionally, the biblical number 1010 stands for God’s unconditional love and unity. Romans 10:10 says, “Because you believe with your heart and are justified, and you confess your faith with your voice and are saved.”

What is the 10 4 window

What is the 10/40 Window? The 10/40 Window is a rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude. This area is often called “The Resistant Belt” and includes the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.

What time is 10 20 in military

1020 = 10:20 AM

What time is 1020 Hours in Military Time? 10:20 AM in regular time on a 12-hour clock.

What does it mean to 10 22

Call ( ) by Phone. 10-22. Disregard. 10-23. Arrived at Scene.

What does 10 99 mean?

Check (Test) Signal. 10-98. Prison / Jail Break. 10-99. Wanted / Stolen Indicated.

What does 10 42 mean

One “Ten Code” that is not as familiar to the general public is “10-42”. This particular code is used to indicate an officer’s end of tour.

What does 10 100 mean

The term 10/100 Base refers to an Ethernet connection that supports both 10 Mbps (megabits per second) and 100 Mbps data transmission rates. Ethernet is the commonly employed networking standard for LAN communications.

What is a 10 55 police code

Police code 10-55 means Intoxicated driver.

What is the code 11

Code 11 is a barcode symbology developed by Intermec in 1977. It is used primarily in telecommunications. The symbol can encode any length string consisting of the digits 0–9 and the dash character (-). A twelfth code represents the start/stop character, commonly printed as “*”.

What does your 20 mean

Have you ever heard someone ask, “What’s your 20?” The term refers to your location. It comes from “10–20” and is part of the Ten Code used by CB radioers, who borrowed and adapted it from the police and emergency services. It seems appropriate to use this question to kick off my first column in the year 2020.

What does 10 five mean

10-5 = Relay this information to (name of a person, officer, etc.) 10-6 = Officer is busy. 10-7 = Out of service, unavailable. 10-8 = In-service. 10-9 = Please repeat (please repeat the message)

What is code 16 mean

Code 16 means an implementation of the chain law which requires the use of chains or ATD’s by all vehicles. Under this code, autotransports shall be restricted from travel unless able to use chains or ATD’s.

What is a 10 18 police code

10-16 Reply to Message. 10-17 En route. 10-18 Urgent.

What does 10 20 mean

The phrase essentially means, “What is your location?” or “Identify your position,” but is a corrupted phrase from the original “10-20” used by law enforcement to verbally encode their radio transmissions so that non-police listeners would not easily discover police operations, as well as to communicate quicker and

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