Presence of Vice Chancellor Nikolaos Hardalia at the commemoration of the Great Martyr Saint Demetrius, with the diaspora in Adelaide

Presence of Vice Chancellor Nikolaos Hardalia at the commemoration of the Great Martyr Saint Demetrius, with the diaspora in Adelaide

The Deputy Minister of National Defense Mr. Nikolaos Hardaliasrepresenting the Greek Government and the Ministry of National Defense, attended today, Wednesday, October 26, 2022, the Divine Liturgy for the celebration of the Great Martyr Saint Demetrius, which was held under the auspices of the Most Reverend Bishop of Sinop. Siluanou (who represented the Archbishop of Australia, Mr. Makarios) in the Holy Church of the same name in Salisbury (Salisbury), Adelaide, with the participation of the Presidential Guard Sergeant Efzonon.

The Vice-Admiral was present Efthymios Mikros PN as a representative of S.A. President of the Hellenic Republic, the Minister of Education, Training and Skills of Australia Mr. Blair Boyerthe Australian Federal Members of Parliament Mr. Michel Brown and John Fulbrookthe Mayor Salisbury K. Jillian Adridgethe Member of the Federal Parliament Mr. Tonu Zappiathe Consul General of Greece in Adelaide Mr. George Psiachas the Greek Adjutant Defense Colonel Ioannis Fasianos and many people from the Greek and Cypriot community.

The Deputy Minister of National Defense immediately after the Divine Liturgy met with His Eminence the Bishop of Sinop. Silouanos, with whom they discussed issues concerning the diaspora and the work of the Diocese, to which Mr. Hardalias conveyed the support of the Greek Government.

Subsequently, the Deputy Minister of National Defense participated in the meal hosted by the Diocese, in the presence of those present at the Divine Liturgy. In the greeting addressed by Mr. Hardalias, among others:

Congratulate, as a representative of the Greek Government, the Prime Minister and the Ministry of National Defense, the Greek Community for the work it is doing for the Motherland, thirteen thousand kilometers away from it.

He conveyed the gratitude of the Government and all Greeks because they are the Ambassadors of the Motherland, who uphold the morals, customs and values ​​of Hellenism.

He assured the Community that Greece is strong, it is a protagonist, with the Armed Forces fully ready, whenever and if ever needed, to give the fight for which they have sworn.

He emphasized that “the Greeks are a peaceful people, we want to be a pillar of stability, we seek peace, dialogue, friendship with our neighbors, but at the same time we send the message that our Homeland, our national, our sovereign rights are non-negotiable. In the face of dangerous and aggressive rhetoric and anecdotal reports, Greece remains calm, remains sober and with the help of God, whenever and if ever necessary, which we avoid, rest assured that the officers of our Armed Forces will do their duty , always faithful to the legacy of our ancestors».

He concluded by referring to the unique way in which Omogenia welcomes a Greek official each time and not only, the way it hugs them, shakes their hands, looks them in the eyes, gives strength, gives courage and conveys the message that the Motherland is everywhere, the Greeks are everywhere, while at the same time passing on to the new children, the new generations, the values ​​of our ancestors.

Finally, the Deputy Minister of National Defense visited the Consulate General of Greece in Adelaide, where he met with the Consul General Mr. Georgios Psiachas and discussed matters of common interest. He also spoke to the officials of the diplomatic delegation whom he congratulated for the excellent performance of their duties. During the visit to the Consulate, they were present Vice-Admiral Efthimios Mikros PN and Euzones of the Presidential Guard.


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