“Lobster” Evros: Surveillance and deterrence against the hybrid threat of the Turkish gendarmerie

PHOTO: 24-hour surveillance is carried out on every meter of land, say military sources with a special meaning, while there are no shortage of cases of a deterrent presence at “key” points – SOURCE: GES

Turkey has returned to the tactic of the hybrid threat in the Evros, using military gendarmerie on a large scale.

“They are using all methods to get to Greece and European territory. From guidance through mobile phones when the traffickers are on the other side of the phone line, to attempts at orientation through the high voltage cables. Certainly at this time, both in the Evros and in the Aegean, it is a given based on the times that we are under pressure.”

This is pointed out by Officers who do not take their eyes off the hybrid attacks that Turkey has been attempting lately.

It may be that the officials of the neighbor do not stop the threats, many of which involve direct references to the questioning of Greek sovereignty, but the Greek Staff does not stop maintaining the required vigilance, especially in the places where in 2020 Ankara tried to create an unprecedented hybrid threat at the land border.

The latest events with the immigrants on the Turkish islet, as well as the incendiary statements of Turkish government officials, it is very logical that they increase the level of surveillance and preventive actions by the Armed Forces.

The patrols on the river Evros, both by speedboats and on foot are carried out on the border line while the officers from the 4th Army Corps have been informed by the Commanders and the Army in order to have the necessary readiness of the immediate intervention units along the river Evros .

Through constant patrols and deterrence, the officers of the Greek Police and the Army have certain conclusions in their hands, which helps to calculate all the parameters for more essential guarding of the borders.

In most cases, it has been seen that traffickers in close cooperation with the Turkish military gendarmerie are driving, not a mob as it happened in 2020, but small groups of illegal immigrants to the border with Greece. And they do it at the same time in different places, mainly in those where the river level has dropped significantly, while some other groups are driven towards the land border or even through Bulgaria.

With these and other valuable details reaching the Greek authorities from primary sources, in addition to surveillance, land “readiness” with patrols and ambushes remains one of the strong cards to prevent the illegal actions that take place, with the blessings of Jadarma, known since 2020 !

From Ormenio to the Evros Delta, 24-hour surveillance is carried out on every meter of land, say military sources with a special meaning, while there are no shortage of cases of a deterrent presence at “key” points where there are indeed security obstacles, but the climatic conditions of the summer are ally of traffickers and the military gendarmerie, which is also looking for ways to create a hot episode in the river.

Characteristic of the constant vigilance of the Army, against the background of provocative Turkish actions, was that during the summer there were not a few alarms that were made, with the intervention units being inspected for reaction times, the planning of preventive actions, etc.

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