Exit of the drilling rig Abdulhamid Han: The country is on full alert – The scenarios considered by Athens

The Turkish Petroleum Company (TPAO), on twitter stated that the inspection procedures have started after the system and equipment update procedures on the Abdulhamid Han drill ship.. and it is ready for its exit.

A few days before the Turkish floating drilling rig “Abdulhamid Han” set off for the Eastern Mediterranean, Athens is taking its measures and is ready to face any Turkish challenge from the neighboring country.

The GEETHA has already drawn up its planning and, in cooperation with the Staffs, proceeded with all the necessary measures of readiness and alertness, while at the same time taking care to keep the operational “index” at a high level despite the fact that we are in the “heart” of summer. The information and its timely utilization at the given moment of time just a few 24 hours before the neighbors show their intentions are at the center of this planning as it was also done in 2020 when the Greek Staff knew that the research “Oruc Reis” was going to move towards the potential Greek continental shelf and reacted immediately.

And yes, the “Abdulhamid Han” is constantly monitored with all the means available to Athens, but the Greek radars have focused on every movement of the Turkish fleet for the last 24 hours. All the naval stations of the neighbors, but especially that of Aksaz, are thoroughly “scanned” in order to determine any movement that will indicate the implementation of a plan to increase the intensity. The goal is a timely reaction so that the Units of the Greek Fleet can move accordingly. While similar is the vigilance in the Air Force since any decision for provocative action at sea will entail a corresponding mobilization in the aviation of the neighbors with the burden being shifted to the South near the disputed sea areas.

The scenarios that Athens is considering

Despite the fact that so far all the indications and the data available to Athens do not give much chance to scenarios that are expected to explode the tension is far from resting.

There are three scenarios that the Greek side is considering:

The deployment of the drilling rig south of the Karpathos, in the area of ​​the illegal Turkish-Libyan memorandum, its dispatch to Block 6 of the Cyprus EEZ or to occupied Karpasia where Turkey has carried out investigations in the past.

Israel, however, made sure to send a clear message of questioning the Turkish-Libyan memorandum by asking Greece to issue NAVTEX for exercises south of Crete.

“Another move that strengthens the axis that has been created between Greece and Israel, the two countries merge, an identity of interests on many fronts. Another proof that the pact is illegal and non-existent and has not been accepted by any country in the world”, said the international expert, Yiannis Papafloratos.

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