Corvettes: The Dutch play a strong card for the Dutch Sigma 10514

Corvettes: The Dutch play a strong card for the Dutch Sigma 10514 since they know exactly what Greece wants.

The Dutch had shown from the process of selecting the new Greek frigates, where they were one of the countries that submitted a proposal, that they are highly professional.

The same is happening now, where the Dutch are coming back with the Sigma 10514, as candidates for the new corvettes of the Greek Navy.

The Dutch, in their original proposal for the Sigma 10514 as new Greek frigates, enlarged the ships to fit Greece’s “wants”.

Now the Sigma 10514s are coming back as corvettes, but the Dutch are playing the card of the two “M” frigates which are being offered as intermediate solution ships.

The cost of each SIGMA 10514 frigate is estimated at 500 million euros.

The “M” were offered as an intermediate solution in the Dutch proposal for the Greek frigates, but then the long time of their withdrawal from the Dutch navy pushed their case back and the French Belharra were preferred.

Now, with the weapon of the “M” in their hands and having reduced the withdrawal time, the Dutch are playing the “card” of intermediate solution ships, knowing that Greece needs ships.

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