Brookings "he sees" military crisis in the Aegean! Simulated landing opposite Chios by the Turks "Crocodiles"

The Greek amphibious commandos on the Aegean islands are ready to neutralize any “Crocodile” or other “reptile” from across

The Turks provoke in our eyes with military exercises that directly refer to possible future operations against Greek islands.

The Greek press reported yesterday about exercises of Turkish Paratroopers and a simulation of an airborne landing on a Greek island.

The exercise that ended today in Fokaia, Smyrna, is the clearest indication of Turkish militaristic intentions against Greece in the near future, especially after the “answer” to Erdogan in Prague by the Greek prime minister.

Turkish exercise is ringing bells in the Greek armed forces in the islands of the Eastern Aegean

According to Turkish media, the infamous Turkish “Crocodile” (marine special forces) carried out an amphibious exercise called “Martyr Infantry Contract Private Tayfun Özköse”, implementing scenarios for the use of weapons systems and military operations, following the order of the Turkish command of the Group of Amphibious Missions, which took place in the areas of Fokaia and Englesonisi across from Chios.

The movements and the type of Turkish exercises show that there in Ankara they are “cooking” something against our country, especially after the signing of the illegal agreement with Tripoli, Libya.

We remind you that yesterday, MEGA reported, that the special forces of Turkey will start from Monday 10 and until 21 October a series of military exercises, the main object of which will be the dropping of paratroopers on Turkish islands in the Aegean.

So, in conclusion, these are probably exercises to “occupy a Greek micro-island” from air and sea, with the simultaneous use of unmanned vessels, as well as submarines of the special forces.

We must not forget that the Turks have been training in all their multi-branch military exercises for years on the scenario-based occupation of the “Blue Island” by the “red forces”, as they state in their exercise scenarios.

In any case, the Greek armed forces are monitoring everything and, if required, will respond to any enemy plan with great speed and, above all, efficiency.

An American institute warns of war in the Eastern Mediterranean

Asli Aydintasbas, a fellow at the well-known American Brookings Institute, a research group in Washington, states that she is deeply concerned as the Eastern Mediterranean region moves closer to war.

“We are used to occasional flare-ups in this (Greece-Turkey) relationship, but I think right now, the global environment is very uncertain, chaotic and almost favors a military conflict between Turkey and Greece,” she said.

“The dynamic has changed. And Turkey no longer feels like a strong and stable member of the Western camp or the NATO alliance. It is still in NATO, but it is obviously interested in having alternatives.

Also Turkey is also much more confident than in the past.

Meanwhile, Greece also feels that a big change has taken place. For now, neither Athens nor Ankara seem ready to back down.

Cavusoglu said last month that Turkey is ready to resolve tensions diplomatically, but warned that the country would not hesitate to use hard power if diplomacy fails and Turkish interests are threatened,” she concluded.

Political scientist Cengiz Aktar of the University of Athens says the Greek government is counting on Washington’s support and is in no mood to back down from what it sees as Turkish bullying.

“There is a common wisdom in Greece, do not underestimate small countries, we have a living example of Ukraine and Russia.

“I mean, yes, the Greeks are ready,” said political scientist Cengiz Aktar.

“Athens insists that the militarization of the islands is a response to the threat posed by Turkey, whose military forces are, in many cases, less than a kilometer away from the Greek islands,” he concludes.

What we will see in the next period precisely in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean is more or less played out, what no one is saying, however, is how the supposedly strong Turkey will be the day after a possible confrontation with Greece, because what is happening now in Ukraine, in the Aegean, will have ten times the potential against the Turks.

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