Aegean – “Sparks” of a hot episode: Ankara “upgrades” violations with armed fighters

Armed fighters violated Greek airspace.

On Monday, Turkey proceeded to qualitatively upgrade the level of violations of Greek airspace, as armed F-16 fighters flew in formation over areas of the Aegean.


More specifically, a formation of two F-16s (armed), one UAV drone and two CN-235 spy planes violated Greek airspace on 51 occasions, in areas of the northeastern, central and southeastern Aegean, while five violations of the Athens FIR were also recorded .

As noted by German media today, the situation in the Aegean can turn out to be fatal with the “sparks” of the “ignition” if they occur and can very easily become uncontrollable.

The strained relations between Greece and Turkey, the escalation of tension is of particular concern to Berlin and the German press hosts regular reports.

In an article of the Tageszeitung entitled: “Confrontation in the Aegean: Dangerous theatrical thunder” by its correspondent in Turkey, it is noted that “the Greek-Turkish conflict in the Aegean is old. Today’s escalation has mainly pre-election motives, but it is extremely dangerous.”

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